A unique, comprehensive, non-surgical, multi-disciplinary assessment and treatment program for chronic pelvic, genital, and sexual pain.

Since 2001, Dr. Robert Echenberg has carefully developed one of the only comprehensive clinical programs in the nation that has incorporated the newest pain research while caring for over 2300 women and men with a variety of painful disorders related to the pelvic region. Many of Dr. Echenberg's patients have previously undergone multiple invasive diagnostic or surgical procedures for their pain and have already been seen by multiple medical and surgical specialists.

Starting with our program's first visit, it becomes immediately apparent that our approach to your symptoms and health is comprehensive, caring, and completely individualized. We want to help you achieve the goal of "getting your life back" as quickly and as realistically as possible.

This direct conversation with Dr. Echenberg will provide educational information about your unresolved symptoms. Dr. E reviews your entire questionnaire before the call.  His biopsychosocial approach utilizes his knowledge of chronic pain neuroscience and answers many of the questions you probably have about why it has been so difficult to "connect the dots" regarding your own pelvic, genital, and sexual pain symptoms. - often for the first time. He shares his many decades of experience and provides a wealth of resources so that you can learn how to put together your own health team back home - or whether it might be a good plan to visit one of the practitioners trained by Dr. Echenberg.

Dr. E feels confident that you will receive excellent care from any of these providers, and he will remain closely involved for advice and counsel. Each practitioner learned our model of care and is passionate about delivering specialized pain management for the pelvic region. His time spent with you and his comprehensive reports and recommendations will be available to whomever you choose to see, including PTs and counselors, and to you as well - to share with trusted family and/or other supportive people in your life.

We will provide complete information about which provider is best for you, depending on your location and specific health insurance.

He intends to "pass forward" as much of his knowledge and experience as possible since there are still no training programs for these complex pelvic pain disorders.


 Online Consultation from anywhere in the world

Concierge-type evaluation - a healthcare visit like you have never experienced!

Basic Package for new consultation:  Updated January 2025.

  • Review of evidence-based, multi-disciplinary diagnoses and management of chronic pelvic, genital, and/or sexual pain.
  • We would then become a significant part of your therapeutic team and would work with you at your own pace
  • You will be provided with advanced education on how pain is processed and how this affects your experience of pain
  • A comprehensive individualized evaluation and plan by Dr. Echenberg.
  • Dr. E and his team have immediate access to the practitioners he has trained in various locations. We will help you set up a first-visit appointment with these providers, who are currently located in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, the University of Kentucky, and the University of Miami.
  • He also can arrange consultations with any of your trusted providers close to home.
  • No matter which physician, NP, or PA you might choose to see, referrals are likely to be given to specialized pelvic floor physiotherapists and integrated counseling modalities, dietary, exercise, and mind/body techniques to help lower your "dial" of danger and pain.
  • Integrative care is very important and is a multi-disciplinary, multi-modality, and multi-organ system approach.
  • Avoidance of further surgery is a primary goal, and a treatment plan needs to be low, slow, and incremental, as well as feeling safe with trauma-based practitioners.
  • Many have told us that just filling out our comprehensive questionnaire was educational, validating, and thus therapeutic.


Click here to download the female or male questionnaire (then hit your browser back button to return to our site) and return it to us at info@TheEchenbergInstitute.com          or          office@DrEchenberg.com

Initial Contact information:   Phone:  In US:  610-868-0104

E-mail: office@drechenberg.com     Fax: 610-868-0204