Handbook On Treating Chronic Pelvic, Genital, and Sexual Pain Disorders


This 175-page book details how Dr. Echenberg sought and found the answers to diagnose and successfully treat the full array of complex chronic pelvic, genital, and sexual pain disorders. He describes what he learned about neuroscience and pain processing to guide his office-based pain management program for the pelvic region. You will also find a treasure trove of resources designed for you and your providers.



Dr. Robert Echenberg has written a comprehensive professional memoir documenting the development of his program and model of care for the diagnosis, care, and management of chronic pelvic, genital, and sexual pain disorders. For 23 years, Dr. E has seen over 2200 complex cases in sufferers of all genders and sexual orientations.  They have come from 40 states and about 20 countries in their quests for help.

He has chosen an E-book format that allows him to include direct clickable references and resources for patients and practitioners alike.  It consists of a highly inclusive set of documents and videos that, over the past quarter of a century, have guided him in his unique model of care to become the only physician to have become a pain management expert for the pelvic and genital region that is entirely office-based and non-surgical.

His clinical curiosity and down-to-earth manner led him to ask questions such as:

Where does lower back, hip, and tailbone pain end and pelvic pain begin?

How does learning to play through pain influence the later development of pelvic floor dysfunction?

Why are physical therapists and other practitioners helping these patients more than medical specialists?

Is there a genetic predisposition for some of us to develop chronic pain disorders such as migraine, fibromyalgia, TMJ, low back pain, vulvodynia, painful bladder syndrome, endometriosis, and irritable bowel syndrome?

How does lifetime trauma play a role in what may result in any chronic pain disorder, especially in the most sensitive areas of the body to begin with – facial area, hands, feet, and pelvic and genital locations?

These and many other questions are answered in detail in his 175-page E-book which he feels will be instructional to the public and practitioners alike. Many sufferers of these pelvic, genital, and sexual pain disorders will find research evidence to help explain their symptoms to their caregivers.

Dr. Echenberg hopes to “pass forward” this model of care so that millions of sufferers worldwide may eventually have practitioners who listen, understand, believe, and help them “dial down” their pain.  The knowledge of cutting-edge neuroscience and how pain is processed throughout the body (with greater intensity in 20% of the population) could and should lead to developing “Centers of Excellence” for multi-disciplinary and multi-modality approaches to be adequately and clinically researched.